Community Guidelines and Policies

We are thrilled to welcome all of you to Edmissions. Our user-oriented network has been set up to make the experience of studying overseas easier and less stressful. We provide our users with accurate data and build a community that encourages communication between its members. To make sure that our platform remains free from impurities, authentic and secure for all, we politely ask that you all abide by the code of conduct listed below. Thank you for your cooperation!

Please do not post offensive, demeaning, obscene, or threatening language.

Please do not post irrelevant information or queries.

We do not permit defaming or bullying based on nationality,gender,race, religion, or other differences.

Please do not post commercial advertisements.

Please do not share links to WhatsApp or other apps.

Avoid sharing your numbers, personal information, and other private information with strangers online.

Don’t share spam posts.

Do not post false or misleading content.

Be respectful and courteous to others online.

Never invade others' privacy.

Do not sell or offer services for any price.

Do not send unnecessary messages unless the recipient unless they are fine with it.

Thank you for your cooperation.To ensure that Edmissions continues to be a useful, up-to-date and accessible resource, it is essential that everyone follows the guidelines stated. If any user is found to have gone against these standards, they will be denied access to the platform.